More About Us

Turnkey Investor Group was created to meet the growing demand for the BRRRR (Buy-Renovate-Rent-Refinance-Repeat) strategy. Put simply, it is the best known strategy to achieve wealth-building velocity utilizing turnkey real estate.  We help you to create wealth and passive income while avoiding the stress and hassle of having to find, renovate, tenant and manage your property.  For those investors not yet ready to undertake the BRRRR strategy, we can also source classic turnkey properties.

We have decades of experience in developing turnkey properties and BRRRR-strategy acquisitions.  Based on your needs, we select solid investment properties in growth markets, renovate them to a high rental standard, install a qualified tenant and designate professional property management.  We don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach, instead we identify your goals and needs then find the property that is right for you

As mentioned on our Home page, we match you up with a property to suit your requirements. In addition to this customized approach, we also maintain a limited number of properties in our inventory. On our GALLERY page you’ll find some amazing ‘before and after’ photos of some past projects that illustrate our “high rental standard” of renovation.

Whether you’re a complete newbie who’s dipping your toe into the turnkey real estate market for the first time or a seasoned pro who’s looking to diversify and add to your portfolio, we’re here to help. You can rest assured that experienced, professional developers are taking excellent care of you every step of the way.